Mental Health Scenario:


One in every eight individuals worldwide suffers from a mental disorder as per the WHO report (2022). About 70-80% of persons in India who are struggling with mental illness receive no care. 56 Crore Indians suffer from depression and 38 Crore from anxiety disorder. This lab will research to find biomarkers for different types of mental disorders. The time-tested traditions of yoga, meditation, and mantra chanting, will be used as an intervention to alleviate such disorders. We shall also collaborate with NIMHANS Delhi /Bangalore, Caltech, Institute of Mental Health and Hospital, Agra, and IHBAS – Delhi and local hospitals for research work. 




To develop wearable devices that can help people to find levels of stress and anxiety. Also to develop interventions such as yoga, meditation, classical music mantra chanting, etc. to cure patients with mental disorders. 

Name of the equipment


128 Channel EEG (1 set)

Study of Brain Signals

8 Channel EEG Headsets (20)

For meditation & BCI applications

Heart Rate Variability Sets (20)

For cognitive studies

Polysomnography (1 Set 64 Channel & 1 Set 32 Channel)

For studies in Sleep & Dream

Sensor Lab

To study how ions flow across biological membranes

Workstations (2)

High-end computing simulation